Is your college funding abortion?

Did you know?

  • That students from colleges nationwide are being forced to pay into health care plans that cover abortions?
  • That some of the sponsored health care plans don’t specify abortion coverage, yet they still automatically enroll their students in it?
  • That many of these students are unaware of these measures because of vague descriptions in the school-sponsored health care plans?

Students for Life of America (SFLA) conducted a study on 200 of the largest four-year universities in the U.S. after realizing last September that the University of North Carolina implemented a change in their 2010-2011 healthcare plan, enrolling its students to cover abortions without their consent. After pleading for this to be sanctioned, UNC agreed in August to allow students to exclude abortions from their coverage. 

Some facts:

  • 33 % (66 schools) of the 200 schools researched automatically enrolled the students into their health care plan.
  • Out of the 66 schools, 57% covered elective abortions in their health care plans.
  • Examples include:  Boston University, NYU, Columbia, UCLA, Harvard, and of course UNC at Chapel Hill. 

The wording in the health care plans offered to the students doesn’t state clearly where coverage for “Complications of Pregnancy” goes. Some even place pregnancy under “sickness,” and don’t exclude abortion as a “cure”.  These school health care plans are in need of specifying the measures being taken with the money that students are paying; it is a serious violation of student rights.

So far, only the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has allowed for an “opt-out.” Either way, the facts still remain. It is well known that, when applying, future students will be offered with a university-sponsored health care plan and that some even make this mandatory.  This should encourage pro-life student organizations to raise awareness and defend not only their rights, but the rights of the students who are unconsciously helping to fund abortion.

Taxpayer funds in North Carolina have also been found to be partially covering student abortions through federal grants directed to accredited colleges and universities. Because the health care plans are added to the “cost of attendance” or “fees”, and since students’ need increases, more federal grants are directed to help cover these costs. This violates the Hyde Amendment that prohibits all federal funding for abortions; the amendment is placed in the Appropriations Act for Division D, which includes the Department of Education.

SFLA is right: “paying for abortion should not be a pre-requisite for learning”.  Abortion can never be counted as “healthcare”.

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