Courageous Women who Chose Life are Everywhere!

Last week, after her heartwarming post over at the LifeNews blog on the real heros of the pro-life movement: moms and dads who choose Life in the face of adverse circumstances, SBA List Staff Writer Maura Butler recieved an inspiring story from a blog reader.

Check it out:

I received a moving response to my post last week and the author requested I share her story through the blog. 

I hope and pray that others who read this are inspired by this young woman’s courageous choice in the face of great adversity.  She is a pro-life hero and here is her story.


I was reading your “choose life” column and I was wondering if you could post my story of choosing life.

I was 14 years old when I conceived my son. I was in a relationship with a 16 year old guy who had already had one son who he didn’t see much.  I figured since he already had a child, he was mature.  It turned out he was very controlling and abusive, so I decided to leave him.  Two days after my15th birthday, I found out I was pregnant.  I was so scared and confused but he said he’d be there and take care of everything. 

Just three weeks later, he told me he wanted nothing to do with me and I haven’t seen him since.  I hadn’t told my father or older sister yet, and the child’s father wasn’t my way out anymore.  I had no clue what to do. 

When I was about 9 weeks pregnant, my high school called my dad and told him.  My sister came storming in my room telling me she’d drive me to an abortion clinic, but I refused.  For the next two weeks, I was told I’d have to move and was threatened to be pushed down the stairs and beat up by my sister if I didn’t abort the baby. Finally I cracked and agreed; my sister had had an abortion and if it was so bad she would tell me and not want the same for me, right?

I spent the next couple days crying and depressed.  I came to the conclusion I was in love with this little baby inside me, and he would be my whole word soon.  I was scared to tell my sister so I drove to the clinic with her.  They took us into an interview room and a woman who worked there asked me why I came to the clinic. 

Read the rest over at

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